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8 Conditional Sentences That Can Transform Your Life

Get inspired by this 8 conditional sentences that can transform your life for the better. Conditional sentences always have an hypothetical situation and their consequences. So the main catch of our article is...

"If you" take on the advise, and, change some things in your way of thinking and in your daily actions (these is the hypothetical situation), you will be able to find a way to change and your life will never be the same again (this are the consequences):

8 Conditional Sentences That Can Transform Your Life

1."If you love life don't waste time.
For time is what life is made of."

The meaning behind this conditional sentence: Bruce Lee alerts us for the urgency of living. You don't have all the time in the world to do the things you want to do. You don't know how many years you have remaining, the best way to face life is to live everyday like its your last. Don't postponed things for tomorrow, you know as well as I do that  "that tomorrow" is never coming...Do it now, do it today. Your love for life as to come out off the shelf and be transformed into actions day in and day out.

8 Conditional Sentences That Can Transform Your Life, Inspirational Quotes, Motivational, Hypothetical Situations,
2. "If you change,
everything will change for you."

The meaning behind this conditional sentence: What the late great motivational speaker Jim Rohn means, is that change its a matter of developing yourself not waiting for others things to change. If you want a better job, a new house, a great family, a better financial situation, or whatever you want, you cannot be waiting for things to just change. They will not change if you don't change. You have to change yourself by becoming better at all levels, and then everything else will fall into place. Be open to change, become better today than you were yesterday, be committed to personal development. That's your major tool for changing everything else.

8 Conditional Sentences That Can Transform Your Life, Inspirational Quotes, Motivational, Hypothetical Situations,
Scout Movement
3. "If you make listening and observation your occupation, 
you will gain much more than you can by talk."

The meaning behind this conditional sentence: Robert Baden-Powel the founder of the Scout Movement, gives a precise guideline on how to engage in a learning process. For your life to improve you must be willing to learn, but for you to learn, you must know how to do it. As simple as it may seem, this is a thing most people doesn't do. People stay talking and gossiping all the time, don't be like that, value every moment. Make every moment a learning moment by listening to the voice of older and wiser people, by observing people who do very well what you are trying to do. Be a student of life, don't waste time being a talker of nonsense, use that precious time in learning so you can grow inside and become better with execution.

8 Conditional Sentences That Can Transform Your Life, Inspirational Quotes, Motivational, Hypothetical Situations,  4. "If you don't love what you do, 
you won't do it with much conviction or passion."

This is the recipe for success by 2 time winner of the women's FIFA World Player of the Year, ex-soccer player Mia Hamm. How do pro-athletes go to the extreme in order to become better for any given competition? By simply loving what they are doing. When you love what you do you'll go to the extreme and you'll pass your limitations. Intensity comes from the will to do more, and the will has to come from the heart. If if comes from some place else it will not last. But otherwise if comes from within your soul and spirit, it can be everlasting. Whatever you do, do it with passion and conviction or don't do it at all.

8 Conditional Sentences That Can Transform Your Life, Inspirational Quotes, Motivational, Hypothetical Situations,  5. "If you do what you've always done, 
you’ll get what you've always gotten."

Straight to the point sentence by results coach guru Tony Robbins. If you are still doing the same old thing, you're results will be the same old results. You need to change that, you need to challenge yourself by doing new and defying things that will get you uncomfortable. That will lead you to new and exciting results, the results you want to have. The results that you can look and say "I've really turned my life around!". Don't be afraid of change, embrace the challenges, do new and exciting things every day.

8 Conditional Sentences That Can Transform Your Life, Inspirational Quotes, Motivational, Hypothetical Situations,  6. "If you tell the truth,
you don't have to remember anything."

The meaning behind this conditional sentence: Writer Mark Twain alerts for the fact that people always have to come up with some sort of story instead of telling the simple truth. But it gets deeper, when people don't tell the truth they are not lying to other people, they are lying to themselves. Because of two main things: first you know you're not telling the truth so you know that you're not being totally honest with others but specially with yourself; second, in the long run, a lye will always catch up on you no matter what. So it's better to come up with the truth right away no matter how it will hurt you or others, a the risk of being painful now, so that it doesn't have be painful forever.

8 Conditional Sentences That Can Transform Your Life, Inspirational Quotes, Motivational, Hypothetical Situations,  7. "If you wish to be out front,
then act as if you were behind."

The meaning behind this conditional sentence: When you are behind in race you'll do everything in your bag of tricks to blow pass the other competitors. You'll push harder and you'll go to the limit. But when you are ahead of the race it seems like there's no more to it, you get relaxed and don't push yourself anymore. That's why ancient China philosopher Lao Tzu advises us to pretend that we are always behind no matter what our position is. We gave the example of a race, but this tip can be used in whatever area of your life. You have accomplished good things in your life because in the beginning you had that drive to achieve, but now you are just hanging on what you got, and that drive is not there anymore. Go back in time, be driven to achieve by acting as if you were behind. 

8. "If you don't go after what you want, 
you'll never have it.
If you don't ask, 
the answer is always no.
If you don't step forward, 
you're always in the same place."

8 Conditional Sentences That Can Transform Your Life, Inspirational Quotes, Motivational, Hypothetical Situations,  The meaning behind this conditional sentence: We think writer Nora Roberts wants you to not be afraid to take action towards what you want. Any action took is progress, any answer made is progress and any step you forward you gave is progress. Doing nothing is not progress and you won't get anywhere. You can't stop and do nothing because you're too afraid or discouraged. If you have to do things to get results, then analyze those results and keep on moving forward by doing and doing. 
Take this example, even if you got a "no"as an answer for your demo is progress, because now you know what not to do and you'll make the necessary changes to correct it, or, if you think your demo is fine, you'll know who not present your demo to and you'll move forward to other editor or company.  


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