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11 Bad Work Habits That Make You Unproductive

Header image of the article: "Bad Work Habits That Make You Unproductive". Represents a worker with bad working habits that make him unproductive

A business’s success is all about how productive and engaging the company is towards its consumers and workers. In order to build that strategy a company needs a sufficient amount of quality resources, assets and tactics.

Creating an image for your company might take some time some time and energy, but eventually once a company is active in its work, consumers automatically would want to purchase your product.

A business landscape revolves around its workers and employees, so if your company’s employees won’t be productive at work imagine the amount of damage it can cause for your business. 

Productivity is key to business and lifestyle if it’s taken seriously. Like majority people in our society and all around the world assume that the productivity level cannot overcome the amount of workload a business can tackle.

Well, productivity is a responsibility you have to overcome to remain proactive for your company.

Keeping up the game and facing challenges in the market will increase your chances of a successful leading company. Many of the downfalls of a business are because of its decline in productive employees, also know as bad work habits.

Here are the top 12 of those bad habits that make you unproductive as a worker and as a company, and possible solutions to get rid of them: 

12 Bad Work Habits That Make You Unproductive


1. Passionless Employees

Featured in the article: "Bad Work Habits That Make You Unproductive".  Represents an unproductive business woman, passionless and distracted at work.

People have a natural tendency to prioritize tasks they like, so an employee who likes his job will naturally put his job ahead of his other desires. However, dissatisfied employees are usually the unproductive ones.

Colleagues tend to procrastinate and are not sufficient in their work. This is when employers no longer find meaning to their work.

A detached employee is usually always dangerous for a company.

So it’s better for the manager to keep a check on their employees and guide them in a proper manner, to work more efficiently and passionately.

2. Poor Communications

One of the major downfalls for an employee is poor communication with their manager. Employees are not able to feel open and encouraged to do better work by their managers. 

Especially, when other employees are not held accountable for their actions, it leads to an employer thinking negative about their work, they are encouraged to not work more effectively and rather tend to quit their job.

Decreased productivity results in them feeling disengaged with the workplace.

So instead of a manager showing anger towards an employee, it's better to guide them to do better, teach them skills and encourage them to do better next time.

This causes an employer to think better about themselves and give importance to their work, and this their productivity will increase because of it. 

Employees who do not feel like their supervisors recognize their efforts often don't try hard to perform to their full capacity. 

3. Optimism is Low

Featured in the article: "Bad Work Habits That Make You Unproductive".  Represents an negative employee, with low optimism that leads him to be unproductive.

Something providing ample opportunities to dispense positive feedback and offering other incentives such a longer vacation time or increase in salary will encourage workers to work for longer periods of time brings a boost in their confidence

A low morale can lead to dissatisfaction and poor productivity of an employer’s work which can be destructive for a business.

It’s rather better to emphasize the importance of fun and work on team building.

So positive employee morale for that reason should be a necessity for businesses to work better and more productively

4. Workplace Safety Initiatives

Case studies conducted by the National Safety Council showed that employees who relate to their needs such as safety and comfort in their office are able to be more productive at work than those organization which don’t implement this idea.

Employers mostly demand for a workplace that is free of dangerous health and safety conditions that can cause illness, injury, or death.

So it is necessary for employers to provide a workplace free of health and safety hazards that can cause death or serious injury. 

A lawyer can help an employee to determine their rights and help them decide whether they need to sue or will be better off negotiating with the employer, that is if they are experiencing unsafety in their work environment.

5. Time Management

Featured in the article: "Bad Work Habits That Make You Unproductive". Represents a time management system at work.

Many workers are unable to complete their task or work on time. This leads to incomplete work and unnecessary workload.

Too much work load on any average human being can cause mental and physical damage because of all the stress they take caused by it.

Timing yourself is one of the most important things to keep in mind in order to organize your work and personal routine.

By timing itself, at home and office, an employee is able to be more productive at work, feel less lazy and not feel exhausted all the time.

Sleeping early, eating healthy and weekly exercise is basically the best advice anyone could give to a full time worker.

Also organizing the amount of time you utilize in work and a day can be listed down and marked on what must be done at what time.

This helps workers remain proactive and produce the best work that they can do on time. 

6. Too much Automation

Automation is a great benefit to your business, but only when it’s used correctly.

Some companies tend to use too much automation on social media and end up losing a lot of customers because of the lack of personalization towards them. This is also causes customers to lose trust in your company.

Automation can be uncomfortable to readjust but it’s necessary.

If too much automation is used, employees will not be aware of what the customers’ needs and wants are and will continue to use automation which will lead to a huge downfall in your business.

No computer  or app can replace human creativity and social interaction. 

7. Long Hours with Zero Effectiveness

Featured in the article: "Bad Work Habits That Make You Unproductive". Represents a long hour worker that becomes unproductive.

There is a danger of creating a culture of presenteeism, in which you are at work, but not at full capacity.

This is a common misconception made by managers of a company assuming that employers who work late and longer hours than the regular workers are working harder and producing more work than the rest.

Instead, employers just tend to stay late to showcase their engagement towards their work in front of their bosses.

Quantity of hours at work might not mean quality hours, they can be unproductive hours.

However, even if the worker is loyal towards their work, this approach to work is also unhealthy and can lead to stress, which will make the employee less focused and productive

8. Low Flexibility

Flexibility plays a huge part in workplace wellness, energy and productivity.

In a constantly changing world and business environment, employees and companies must be able to adapt to new situations and still deliver

Lack of flexibility in a workplace kills productivity.

Engaging in a flexible routine which includes either working for longer hours or dividing your work in each working hour, helps a lot in maintaining an easier and engaged workforce with hardly any pressure of too much workload.

9. Multi-tasking

Featured in the article: "Bad Work Habits That Make You Unproductive". Represents an unproductive woman at office multitasking

Employees tend to multi task during work or home which causes a lot of confusion and error in their work. 

Believing in the phrase “one at a time” will bring wonders to your business.

Workers tend to open several tabs all at once and search of information regarding two different tasks at the same time, and they take forever to finish both

This is why it’s better to have a rule: until you complete one task you can't move on to other. Or  another strategy if the task at hand will take too long to finish: time yourself, an employee can provide information about the first task in the first hour and then research on the second task the next hour. 

10. Unplanned Goals

Trying to come up with the end of a project, you're doing midway through the process, can be extremely frustrating and can waste a huge amount of time.

It is recommended that you should first determine what you want your final outcome to be, then lay out a series of steps for yourself.

You need to set specific goals for you or your company. Thing to achieve in a shorter, medium and long term.

This will give you a perspective of what things you need to achieve day by day. Moreover, you can always check on your progress and how much do you still have to do to get there.

Goals keep you focused and motivated, therefore, you and your company can become more productive with goals.

11. Lack in Correct Decision Making

Some people think having a plan B and a plan C, is the best way to ensure success: if one idea fails, at least there are plenty more in reserve to turn to.

Unfortunately, this sort of wavering can be extremely unproductive. It is sad that many organizations fail to understand that your entire company’s aim will be lost if you keep re-setting a list of goals to overcome

Focus on what your company’s aiming for, set only a Plan A. Create a project with steps on how you have to reach your specific goals and set a deadline to achieve them.

If you fail to achieve it, don't reset alls goals. Understand what has failed, learn from your mistakes, correct them and give it another try.

Only by learning with the process you can make the right decisions, the decisions that will make achieve your goals.  

Make your social connections aware of the bad work habits that are making them unproductive, by sharing this article with them.
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Saqib Ilyas is an inquisitive blogger and loves to spread his knowledge. Saqib has years of experience in digital marketing & sales. He is currently associated with eWorldTrade, the finest online B2B Portal offering reliable business connections globally. Follow him on twitter & Instagram at @silyasofficial 


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